Note: This is a work in progress and will be formatting errors. Read more about the project on the home page.
] sharedText of field ¬ to trueOrFalse
where field
is a background field only. sharedText
property returns or sets whether a background field displays the same text on every card of the background. The default value for new fields is false, meaning the text in the field can be different on each card. sharedText
to true if you want the same text to appear on each card of the background. To enter text into a background field with sharedText
set to true, choose Background from the Edit menu, and type in the field. You can add shared text only while you’re in the background layer. sharedText
to true or false. set the sharedText of bkgnd field 1 to true
field id posInteger
[of card
]card field text
[of card
] -- namecard field posInteger
[of card
]ordinal card field
[of card
] field id posInteger
[of card
] field text
[of card
] -- name
] field posInteger
[of card
] field
[of card
]card field id 3894
card field "My Notes"
card field 1
first card field
background field 3 of card 1
When used inside a field script in HyperTalk:me
When a field receives a message:[the] target
or false
. true
the hilite of bg btn "Yes"
fld "Zip" contains "95014"
the short name of this stack is "Fred"
Version 0.7b1 (March 24, 2022)