Note: This is a work in progress and will be formatting errors. Read more about the project on the home page.
the [adjective] name of object
the [long] name of HyperCard
set [the] name of object to text
set [the] name of [menuItem of] menu ¬
to text
get [the] [English] name of ¬
[menuItem of] menu
The name property returns or sets the name of an object, menu item, or menu. If the element doesn't have a name, the name returns the ID of the object instead.
the long name of HyperCard returns the full path to HyperCard:
myDisk:Desktop Folder:HyperCard Folder:HyperCard
You can use the adjective English to determine the names of menus and menu items if you're using a localized version of HyperCard:
if the English name of menuItem 5 ¬
of menu "Edit" is "Paste"...
The adjectives abbreviated , long , and short return various forms of an object’s name (click Demo Script to see examples).
Note: the abbreviated name is the same as the name .
the short name of button 1
the abbreviated name of bkgnd button 4
the abbrev name of bkgnd button 4
the abbr name of bkgnd button 4
the name of card field 1 of last card
the long name of me
the name of menuItem 1 of menu 2
the name of first menuItem of menu "File"
set the name of button 1 to "Hide field"
set the name of this card to line 1 of field "Title"
set the name of menuItem 1 of menu "File" to "Trouble"
if the English name of menuItem 5 of menu "Edit" is not "Paste"...
Demo Script
on nameDemo
answer "The short name of card id 86868 is:" & return & ¬
(the short name of card id 86868) & return & return &¬
"The abbreviated name is:" & return &¬
(the abbr name of card id 86868) & return & return &¬
"The name is:" & return &¬
(the name of card id 86868) & return & return &¬
"The long name is:" & return &¬
(the long name of card id 86868)
end nameDemo
One of the following:
See also: formatName
HyperTalk DefinitionThe object HyperCard , or any expression that identifies an object by name, number, or id.
For example:
[the] target
button 1
background part 6
card field id 3894
this card
next background
stack "My Stack"
AppleScript DefinitionAn identifiable part of an application, or a thing within an application that can respond to commands.
An expression that evaluates to a text string.
A text expression can be a literal string surrounded by quotation marks or the value of a container.
For example:
"The sum is:" && 3
card field 1
line 1 of bg fld "Address"
the Message box
the selection
myVar -- a variable
See also: background, bkgnd, button, card, field, menu , menuItem, and stack
An expression that evaluates to one of the following:
menuItem text
menuItem posInteger
ordinal menuItem
For example:
menuItem "New"
menuItem 2
second menuItem
An expression that evaluates to one of the following:
menu text
menu posInteger
ordinal menu
For example:
menu "File"
menu 2
second menu
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