Note: This is a work in progress and will be formatting errors. Read more about the project on the home page.
set the longWindowTitles ¬
to trueOrFalse
returns or sets whether HyperCard displays the full path name of a stack in the title bar of all windows that contain stacks. Its default value is false. longWindowTitles
to true because the name becomes the full path name of a stack. show window "Home"
show window "My HD:HyperCard:Home"
The first works only when the longWindowTitles
is false, the second only when it's true. Check the value of the longWindowTitles
before you use such commands or properties, or force it to be false in your stack (which takes away the feature). get the longWindowTitles
set the longWindowTitles to true
on longWindowTitlesDemo
set the cursor to watch
set the longWindowTitles to not the longWindowTitles
wait 2 second
set the longWindowTitles to not the longWindowTitles
end longWindowTitlesDemo
or false
. true
the hilite of bg btn "Yes"
fld "Zip" contains "95014"
the short name of this stack is "Fred"
Version 0.7b1 (March 24, 2022)