Note: This is a work in progress and will be formatting errors. Read more about the project on the home page.
functionKey posInteger
must yield a number between 1 and 15. functionKey
command to the current card when the user presses one of the function keys on the Apple Extended Keyboard. functionKey
command performs an undo, cut, copy, or paste for the values 1 through 4. Integer values 5 through 15 have no built-in effect. functionKey
message as follows: on functionKey whichKey
end functionKey
functionKey 1 -- performs undo
functionKey 2 -- performs cut
functionKey 3 -- performs copy
functionKey 4 -- performs paste
-- An example handler:
on functionKey whichKey
if whichKey is 5 then myCoolHandler
else if whichKey is 6 then choose browse tool
else if whichKey is 7 then choose button tool
else if whichKey is 8 then choose field tool
else pass functionKey
end functionKey
67 mod 13
the number of bg fields
the number of backgrounds
the number of cards div 2
See also: background, bkgnd, button, card, chunk,
, and menuItem
put "Hello world" -- built-in command
get total(field 1) -- function call
global HelpInfo -- keyword
Version 0.7b1 (March 24, 2022)