Note: This is a work in progress and will be formatting errors. Read more about the project on the home page. tabKeytabKey The tabKey command opens the first unlocked field on the current card or background (placing the insertion point in the field) and selects its entire contents. If a field is already open for editing, tabKey closes it and opens the next editable field, selecting its contents. (A field is editable only if it is unlocked and visible.) The tabKey command opens fields in the following order: from the lowest to the highest numbered background field, then from the lowest to the highest numbered card field. HyperCard sends the tabKey command to a field or the current card when the user presses the Tab key. You can handle the tabKey message as follows: Examples
PlaceholdersstatementsAny return-separated list of built-in commands, user-defined handlers, or keywords that are part of a message or function handler. Related Topics
Version 0.7b1 (March 24, 2022)