Note: This is a work in progress and will be formatting errors. Read more about the project on the home page. style set [the ] the style of button ¬ to btnStyle set [the ] the style of field ¬ to fldStyle The style property returns or sets the style of button or field. It corresponds to the items in the Style pop-up menu in a Button Info or a Field Info dialog box. A button can have one of the following styles: transparent , opaque , rectangle , roundRect , checkBox , popup, oval, default, shadow, standard , or radioButton . A field can have one of the following styles: transparent, opaque , rectangle , shadow , or scrolling . PlaceholdersbuttonHyperTalk DefinitionAn expression that identifies a button by name, number, or id, using one of the following forms: [ card ] button id posInteger [of card ] [card ] button text [of card ] -- name [card ] button posInteger [of card ]ordinal [card ] button [of card ] button id posInteger [of card ]bkgnd button text [of card ] -- namebkgnd button posInteger [of card ]ordinal bkgnd button [of card ] For example:
When used inside a button script:
When a button receives a message: A button can also be referred to as a part when you’re talking about its position among all buttons and fields within the same card or background.AppleScript DefinitionAn expression that identifies a button by name, number, or id, using the same forms as HyperTalk except that “background” must be used in place of “bkgnd”. btnStyle One of the following: field An expression that identifies a field by name, number, or id using one of the following forms (in AppleScript, use “background” in place of “bkgnd”): card field id posInteger [of card ]card field text [of card ] -- namecard field posInteger [of card ]ordinal card field [of card ] [bkgnd ] field id posInteger [of card ] [bkgnd ] field text [of card ] -- name [bkgnd ] field posInteger [of card ]ordinal [bkgnd ] field [of card ]For example:
When used inside a field script in HyperTalk:
When a field receives a message:[the] target A field can also be referred to as a part when you’re talking about its position among all buttons and fields within the same card or background. fldStyle One of the following: Related Topics
Version 0.7b1 (March 24, 2022)