Note: This is a work in progress and will be formatting errors. Read more about the project on the home page. locationset [the ] loc of button to point set [the ] loc of field to point set [the ] loc of window to point set [the ] loc of externalWindow ¬ to point The location (or loc ) property returns or sets the center point of a button or field and the top-left corner of a window. Setting the location of button, field, or window moves it to the new location. HyperCard determines the location of buttons, fields, and HyperCard’s built-in windows relative to the top-left corner of the current card. For a window displaying a stack, HyperCard determines the location of the card window relative to the top-left corner of the screen with the menu bar. HyperCard adjusts the horizontal offset of the card window to the closest multiple of 16 to the number specified. Examples
PlaceholdersbuttonHyperTalk DefinitionAn expression that identifies a button by name, number, or id, using one of the following forms: [ card ] button id posInteger [of card ] [card ] button text [of card ] -- name [card ] button posInteger [of card ]ordinal [card ] button [of card ] button id posInteger [of card ]bkgnd button text [of card ] -- namebkgnd button posInteger [of card ]ordinal bkgnd button [of card ] For example:
When used inside a button script:
When a button receives a message: A button can also be referred to as a part when you’re talking about its position among all buttons and fields within the same card or background.AppleScript DefinitionAn expression that identifies a button by name, number, or id, using the same forms as HyperTalk except that “background” must be used in place of “bkgnd”. point HyperTalk DefinitionAn expression that evaluates to a specific screen location, in the form of two integers separated by a comma. Item 1 of a point is the horizontal offset (in pixels). Item 2 of a point is the vertical offset (in pixels). For example:
AppleScript DefinitionAn expression that evaluates to a specific screen location, in the form of a list with two integer elements. For example:{ 91, 303 }clickLoc field An expression that identifies a field by name, number, or id using one of the following forms (in AppleScript, use “background” in place of “bkgnd”): card field id posInteger [of card ]card field text [of card ] -- namecard field posInteger [of card ]ordinal card field [of card ] [bkgnd ] field id posInteger [of card ] [bkgnd ] field text [of card ] -- name [bkgnd ] field posInteger [of card ]ordinal [bkgnd ] field [of card ]For example:
When used inside a field script in HyperTalk:
When a field receives a message:[the] target A field can also be referred to as a part when you’re talking about its position among all buttons and fields within the same card or background. window One of HyperCard’s built-in windows, the window containing the current stack (called the card window), or any other window containing a stack, as follows:
Note: If a window containing a stack is inactive, you can set only its location and visible properties.
Important: External windows can’t be substituted for the window placeholder (see the externalWindow placeHolder). externalWindow A window displayed by an external command or an external function; a window that’s not one of HyperCard’s built-in windows : See also: window placeholder Related Topics |
Version 0.7b1 (March 24, 2022)