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Note: This is a work in progress and will be formatting errors. Read more about the project on the home page.

clickH and clickV

the clickH
the clickV
Values returned:
clickH returns an integer equal to the number of horizontal pixels from the left side of the card to the place the mouse was last clicked.
clickV returns an integer equal to the number of vertical pixels from the top of the card to the place the mouse was last clicked.


click at 256,171
put the clickH  -- same as item 1 of the clickLoc
put the clickV  -- same as item 2 of the clickLoc
-- Use clickV to place the top of some buttons into alignment 
-- based on the user’s click:
get the clickV
set the top of bkgnd button 1 to it
set the top of bkgnd button 2 to it
set the top of bkgnd button 3 to it

Demo Script

on clickDemo
   show bkgnd field "demo field"
   displayMessage "Click the mouse to continue..."
   wait until the mouseClick
   answer "The horizontal point of the click was:" && the clickH && ¬
   return &"The vertical point of the click was:" && the clickV
   hide bkgnd field "demo field"
 end clickDemo

Related Topics

« clickChunk | HyperTalk Reference | clickLine »

Version 0.7b1 (March 24, 2022)

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The HyperCard Center
HyperTalk Reference
Home » HyperTalk Reference » Functions

Note: This is a work in progress and will be formatting errors. Read more about the project on the home page.

clickH and clickV

the clickH
the clickV
Values returned:
clickH returns an integer equal to the number of horizontal pixels from the left side of the card to the place the mouse was last clicked.
clickV returns an integer equal to the number of vertical pixels from the top of the card to the place the mouse was last clicked.


click at 256,171
put the clickH  -- same as item 1 of the clickLoc
put the clickV  -- same as item 2 of the clickLoc
-- Use clickV to place the top of some buttons into alignment 
-- based on the user’s click:
get the clickV
set the top of bkgnd button 1 to it
set the top of bkgnd button 2 to it
set the top of bkgnd button 3 to it

Demo Script

on clickDemo
   show bkgnd field "demo field"
   displayMessage "Click the mouse to continue..."
   wait until the mouseClick
   answer "The horizontal point of the click was:" && the clickH && ¬
   return &"The vertical point of the click was:" && the clickV
   hide bkgnd field "demo field"
 end clickDemo

Related Topics

« clickChunk | HyperTalk Reference | clickLine »

Version 0.7b1 (March 24, 2022)

Made with Macintosh

Switch to Retro View